Intro to Liquid Snow & Ice Control

Basic Strategies & Essential Tools

This module is a basic level overview and introduction to liquid tools and strategies – what anti-icing and deicing are – why they are both essential strategies – when and how to use them.

Getting Started with Liquids – Planning & Entry Points

This module will discuss the planning and preparation required to successfully integrate liquid services into a contractor’s operations including crew training, customer communications and the various entry points for liquids.

Additional Resources

Anti-Icing vs. Deicing 101

Anti-icing and deicing both seek to address winter maintenance safety issues… anti-icing to prevent the ice-to pavement bond and deicing to breakup hardpack after it has formed.

Liquid Misconceptions & FAQ

A few of the most common misconceptions and frequently asked questions about liquid snow and ice control.

Terms Every Snowfighter Needs to Know

Glossary of essential terms for understanding how to use liquids to boost the efficiency of your winter maintenance operations.